Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Review computer shortcut keys on August 2,016

Computer Shortcut Key                      
Alt+F= file menu options in current program

ALT+E=edit options in current progr

F1=Universal help(for all programs)

Ctrl+A=Select all text

Ctrl+X=Cut selected item

Shift +Del=cut selected item

Ctrl+C=Copy selected item

Ctl+Ins=copy selected item



Home=go to the beginning of the current line

Ctrl+Home=go to the beginning of document

End=go to end of current line

Ctrl+End=go to end of document

Shift+Home=highlight form current position to beginning of line

Shift+End=highlight from current position to end of line*

Ctrl+direction arrow pointing left=moves the cursor to left

Ctrl+diection arrow pointing right=moves the cursor to right

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