Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Reiki Principles

Reiki Principles

Kyo dake wa(kee oh dah kay wah)     Just today

1. Okoru na(Oh koh roo nah)             Don't get angry

2.Shinpai suna (Shin pie soo nah)      Don't worry

3. Kansha shi te(Kan shah shtay)       Show appreciation (or be thankful)

4.Goo hage me(Go oh hah gay may)    Work hard (or with diligence)

5.Hito ni shisetsu ni(Hee toe nee shin set soo nee)    Be kind to others     

The secret art of inviting happiness
The spiritual medicine of all diseases (of body and mind)
Just for today,,do not be angry
Do not be worried and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people
Every morning and evening sit in the Gassho position,*
pray these words to your heart
And chant these words with your mouth
Asui Reiki treatment for the improvement of body and mind

Making a promise to ourselves that we won't get angry today, or won't
worry today, means we only have to try one day at a time

Anger is a fairly destructive emotion, it is actually a conscious choice
a habitual response you have developed to a given set of circumstances.
It is usually triggered when someone or something fails to meet your
expectations, or even when you don't come up to your own expectations.
Expressing anger toward someone rarely achieves anything other than to make you both feel bad, but you can break the cycle and choose a different response instead.
and you can find healthier and safer ways of expressing the frustration by turning
the emotion into creativity, or going for a brisk walk, or doing that very old
fashioned thing,, counting to ten before you speak.

Worry is linked with our of the future and the unknown, and particularly to our lack
of self-belief that we can cope with situations,and it often centers around a "what if scenario.
Fear is often based on negative beliefs about life or the world.

Whatever problem or situation you are worried about, if there is some action you can take to improve
matters, then take it. Even talking things over with someone else can help.

Show appreciation, or be thankful

It is important to value and appreciate many things in our lives and to be grateful for our many blessings rather than just taking things for granted, or thinking with regret about what we
haven't got.
At the end of the every day think of at lease five tings to be grateful for from that day, and write them in a journal.
And one of the good things about this is that you naturally begin to feel happier,and less concern
what you have got,, because you'll realize that actually our life is pretty good after just for today, be

Work hard on your personal and spiritual development with Reiki and meditation.
All work is valuable to the extent that you choose to value it, so take satisfaction from even
the simplest tasks, and be willing do everything to the best of your ability.
Doing your work honestly also means being honest with yourself, well as with others-
it means accepting yourself for who you are. We often confuse what we do with who we are, taking our sense of identity form the kind of job we have, or don't have. What we need to remember is that we are human beings, not human doings.

Be Kind to Others, or  show compassion to Yourself and others
This is about being kind to every person you meet,so it also incorporates "honor your parent,, teachers and elders."
We all need to honor and respect all of the people we interact with in our lives, not just those who
are close to us, because everyone we meet is in some way one of our teachers, whether we love them or loathe them, because every interaction we have helps us to learn and grow personally and spiritually.

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